Greetings. We hope in this difficult time you are doing well, staying home, and finding ways to keep yourself healthy. We want to let you know what the Toledo Farmers’ Market is doing with regard to the safety of both our customers and vendors. Farmers’ Markets have been deemed an essential business, like grocery stores, and we have been working to create the best possible scenario for our customers to attend.
Saturday Market: (what we are doing) We have:
Widened aisles as much as possible to help with social distancing
Removed winter market extension
Opened doors for the summer season
Spread out the vendors to use the whole market giving more space between vendors
Incorporated hand wash stations for customers and vendors alike
Vendors will be wearing masks and gloves to protect customers as well as themselves
Vendors will be limiting the product on display as their floor model and then fill requests from stock that is out of customer reach.
Customers: (what we ask of you)
Refrain from coming to the market if you are not feeling top notch.
Please keep 6 feet away from any other person
Plan to make your visit short and sweet
Highly recommend wearing your own masks and gloves
Please swipe your own credit card and refrain from touching the vendor’s screen
Refrain from touching any produce or product. Allow the vendor to set it before you for bagging
Check with our website,, for vendors who accept preorders. (work in progress)
Sign up with the farmers’ market for updates (on front page of website).
April: 9-1 pm
1st hour reserved for those 60+ and health compromised
May-Nov: 8-2 pm
1st hour reserved for those 60+ and health compromised until restriction is lifted
Customer Appreciation:
We love our customers and appreciate the love and support you have given us and respect all of you who are staying home. One day, we will be back together again.

I appreciate your reply, however it's clear that you have no idea what this is truly all about . There is absolutely no pandemic, I feel awful for the ones buying into the lie. Let me guess, you received the vaccine too? They are already beginning to separate the vaccinated/unvaccinated in certain businesses, might be a while before it's around here, but then after that..well..never'll find out. God have mercy on the evil elite.
So, are we going to be turned away for not wearing masks? Myself, husband, and daughter have not worn masks since all this started. We stand on the civil rights act of 1964, it is against our religious beliefs to wear one. We have no problems with wearing gloves, as we feel gloves should be worn as much as possible when handling food. I would like to share what I believe about this "covid-19", but don't feel it's appropriate for debating right now. We would just love to come to your farmer's market, as we've never visited before, and would love to see what all you have to offer. Thank you.