Toledo Farmers' Market
Winter Market Hours
Spring - Fall Market Hours
From the West -
Take I-475 east to I-75 south, exit 202A (Washington St. - Downtown), veer right as 11th Street curves to the left. Turn right on Superior Street and go straight two blocks.
From the North -
Take I-75 south to I280 south, exit at 10A (Summit St. - Downtown), through downtown, right on Lafayette, left on Superior, straight ahead one block.
From the East -
Take I-280 north, exit at 10A (Summit St. - Downtown), through downtown, right on Lafayette, left on Superior, straight ahead
one block.
From the South -
Take the Anthony Wayne Trail north, exit 25N (Downtown), veer left on Erie street, right on Washington Street, right on Superior Street, two blocks ahead.
Take I-75 north, exit to Downtown, veer left on Erie street, right on Washington Street, right on Superior Street, two blocks ahead.